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Apoyo de Retorno Voluntario y Reintegración para Migrantes de Túnez

Middle East and North Africa
Past activities
Start and End Date
1 March 2020 – 31 December 2021


Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Government of the Kingdom of Spain



Contact Info

André Lascoutx,

Within the Assisted and Productive Voluntary Return Project (PREVAP), currently operated by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Spain, with the collaboration and funding of the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, Government of the Kingdom of Spain, IOM Spain assists a voluntary return and reintegration support available to Tunisian migrants who voluntarily want to return to their country of origin with a sustainable reintegration service through the establishment of a "life plan" with the accompaniment and follow-up of the IOM in Tunisia.

Through this project the following services are available:

  • Airline tickets to Tunisia and facilitation to manage travel documentation, if necessary.
  • Accommodation in Tunis (city) and transport from Tunis (city) to the place of origin.
  • Delivery upon arrival in Tunisia of an economic aid in cash: 450 euros (Approx. 1,430 TND) to meet the first needs in Tunisia.
  • Up to € 1,500 (Approx. 4,732 TND) in the reintegration / business initiative.

Prior to effective return and in order for migrants to increase their knowledge and entrepreneurial skills, they receive training in business initiative management and continued technical assistance throughout the process of starting the business initiative.

The trainings take place in cities with the highest demand for applicants. Other training previously carried out by applicants will be assessed to corroborate its content and duration and ensure that it conforms to the training provided by the IOM and homologate it so that the applicant does not perform the training again.

The beneficiaries after they arrive to Tunisia contact with IOM Tunis to notify their arrival and establish a work plan and schedule, in coordination and consensus with the IOM technicians. Consequently, the beneficiaries will look for suppliers to request pro forma invoices or quotes, which will be delivered to IOM Tunis for analysis and payment of the purchases to be made.

The training is theoretical and practical and works on a Business Plan (PE) that is reviewed by IOM Spain.

  • Accompaniment of IOM Spain during the trip to Tunisia (if necessary).
  • Monitoring and Follow-up with IOM Tunisia during the reintegration process.