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Towards Reconciliation. An Evaluation of IOM’s Integrated Project for the Return and Reintegration of 500 LRA Reporters Through Information, Counseling and Referral Services (ICRS)

Towards Reconciliation
Kenya, Sudan (the), Uganda
East Africa and the Horn of Africa, Middle East and North Africa
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Sciences Po, Institute d'Etudes Politiques de Paris

This report, the product of a four-month study by students at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques (IEP) in Paris, is an evaluation of the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) ‘Integrated Project for the Return and Reintegration of 500 LRA reporters through Information, Counseling and Referral Services (ICRS) – Implementation of the Amnesty Act 2000’. This IOM project began in June 2002 and was initially expected to end in December 2003 but it was extended until September 2004. Much of the reintegration elements of the project have been carried out in Uganda, whilst repatriation and reception activities took place in both Sudan and Kenya with staff training also occurring in Nairobi.

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