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The purpose of this note is to provide concrete guidance to policymakers, national statistical offices (NSOs) and practitioners on why it is important to promote gender-responsiveness when collecting, producing, using, analysing and disseminating migration...
The Impact of COVID-19 on Ethiopian Migrants and Their Households in Five Communities of High Emigration (July 2022) is the fifth publication in a series of thematic reports that build on the analysis of data collected by the IOM Regional Data Hub for the East...
The link between migration and development is largely considered to be limited to remittances. This is reflected in the Indonesian analogy of migrant workers as “remittance heroes,” emphasizing the financial capital sent by workers back home. This paper tries...
This report gives a broad overview of IOM return and reintegration trends, developments and related activities in 2021 with a breakdown of summary statistics on regional and country levels. It also illustrates good practices adopted by IOM offices to provide...
The process of return and reintegration must be managed effectively to enhance the positive impacts of migration on development, and to protect the rights and interests of migrants who experienced negative outcomes. This policy brief outlines specific policies...
The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women), under the generous support of the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFTAD) and the Swiss Agency...
This report provides a snapshot of the fourth round of the Returnee Longitudinal Survey (RLS) data collection which took place from 23 February to 16 March 2022 among Afghan migrants who had returned from Türkiye or the EU between January 2018 and July 2021. A...
To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of Afghan returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”, developed the...
To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of Afghan, Bangladeshi, Iraqi and Pakistani returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and...
En los últimos años la investigación académica ha avanzado en la generación de información sobre el volumen, perfil y características demográficas de los migrantes de retorno, lo cual ha generado un llamado a la atención oportuna de las necesidades...
Учебное пособие «Возвратная миграция: международные подходы и региональные особенности Центральной Азии» посвящено возвратной миграции и людям — возвратным мигрантам, которые возвращаются домой после работы, учебы и жизни за рубежом. Масштабы трудовой миграции...
The present report forms part of the EMERGE project ‘Enhancing Migrants’ Rights and Good Governance in Armenia and Georgia’, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This initiative aims to strengthen national capacities in the fields of migrants'...
The objectives of European reintegration programs for migrants returning to their countries of origin have expanded in recent years. Reintegration assistance, instead of being delivered as standardized support packages, is increasingly being designed to take...
Samuel Hall was commissioned by the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERINN) to produce an Operational Framework (OF) for the the ERINN Technical Working Group on Reintegration & Development (TWG R&D), funded through the EU’s Asylum, Migration &...
This publication presents results from a Moldovan research study on services provided for migrants, including returnee women. The study revealed that returnees were not acquainted with services available and do not know how to access them. Additionally, local...
This report is a result of a situational assessment of women migrant workers from Moldova carried out by Magenta Consulting for UN Women in Moldova in spring–summer 2015. Its main two objectives are to enrich existent Moldovan migrant profiles, and to present...
IOM DTM conducts regular assessments of over 4,500 locations in which internally displaced persons (IDPs) or returnees reside across Iraq. A location is defined as an area that corresponds with either a village, for rural areas, or a neighbourhood in urban...
The Integrated Location Assessment (ILA) – Round IV, conducted from 1 May to 30 June 2019, provides an in-depth look into both displacement and return movements in Iraq, with a special focus on profiling the displaced and returnee populations and the social...
IOM is committed to integrating gender considerations into its transition and recovery portfolio, including by promoting women’s meaningful participation and fundamental role in peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. As part of its support to...
Between 2014 and 2017, the conflict with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) resulted in the internal displacement of over one million families. These families fled from their homes in eight of Iraq’s north and central governorates, seeking safety...