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From Forced Migration to Forced Returns in Afghanistan: Policy and Program Implications

From Forced Migration to Forced Returns in Afghanistan: Policy and Program Implications
Afghanistan, Pakistan
Asia and the Pacific
Migration Policy Institute (MPI)
N. Majidi

The report draws on field research on Afghan returnees that the Co-Founder of Samuel Hall has carried out since 2008. Beyond examining current return trends to Afghanistan and the characteristics of those returning, chiefly from Europe, it considers the return and reintegration policies employed and the obstacles that limit their effective implementation. As more and more Afghans and others sought asylum in Europe in 2015 and 2016, European policymakers looked for ways to forestall new arrivals. They have favored two approaches: (1) attempting to address the root causes of migration through development and humanitarian assistance, and (2) facilitating repatriation through return and reintegration programs for those who are judged not to have legitimate protection needs.