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This handbook provides practical training and advice for front-line professionals involved in the design, implementation and review of Life Projects, as defined in Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)9 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on...
The module follows the structure of the Reintegration Handbook with the aim of demonstrating child rights and childsensitive approaches to reintegration assistance within the integrated approach. The module has five parts covering key principles for a child...
Annexes of the IOM Reintegration Handbook provide additional useful tools and further guidance on specific reintegration interventions. There is an increasing awareness of the role environmental factors play – in conjunction with others – in driving migration...
The Toolkit allows practitioners to build evidence-based and child-focused, long-term solutions and advocacy interventions. It provides substantial direction on issues of return and re-integration and outlines options, actions and legal guidance related to...
The READMIT Training Manual on Readmission is designed to provide a toolkit for practitioners who face the challenge of improving the capacity of their country to manage migration. The Manual explores theoretical issues of readmission, focusing on...
La región latinoamericana, es una región de origen, tránsito, destino y retorno de migrantes en el mundo. La OIM brinda servicios de asistencia directa, retorno y reintegración para proteger y reducir las vulnerabilidades de las personas migrantes. Cualquier...
The Policy Guide on Entrepreneurship for Migrants and Refugees draws on the experience, knowledge and networks of UNCTAD, IOM and UNHCR in the fields of migration and entrepreneurship development. This inter-agency document offers practical guidance to...
Data protection continues to be a growing field in the context of international organizations. It is also a necessary consideration at national and regional level given the increased use of advanced technology in migration management, data theft, data loss...
This compilation summarises the most relevant EU acquis documents relating to migration. It provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policy developments. The EU acquis concerning the short-term entry and admission and departure of third-country...
This compilation summarises the most relevant EU acquis documents relating to migration. It provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policy developments. The EU acquis concerning the short-term entry and admission and departure of third-country...
In recent years, Migrant Resource Centres (MRCs) and similar facilities have been established in both origin and host countries by Governments, NGOs and international organizations such as IOM. MRCs set up in countries of origin aim to inform, orient and train...
This Manual is the result of close and fruitful cooperation between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Federal Migration Service of Russia (FMS), has been written by experts from each organization and contains a quintessence of...
Immer öfter sehen sich Rückkehrberaterinnen und Rückkehrberater in ihrer Arbeit mit der Herausforderung konfrontiert, die Rückkehr und Reintegration von vulnerablen Personen zu organisieren. Das Handbuch Rückkehr und Reintegration von vulnerablen Personen...
The Manual on Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) in Emergencies and Displacement describes the process IOM MHPSS programme managers should follow to design and implement relevant programmes in the aftermath of an emergency and with...
This training manual – developed by ILO and UNICEF under the UN Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking – seeks to aid governments, workers, employers, international, and non-governmental organizations that combat trafficking in children for labour...
This handbook presents the determinants of migrant vulnerability (DOMV) model for analyzing and responding to migrant vulnerability. The DOMV model is specifically designed to address the protection and assistance needs of a specific subset of migrants: those...
The purpose of the field handbook is to provide operational guidance for child protection staff and all other actors working on prevention and response to family separation in emergencies. The handbook sets out to ensure that responses meet agreed inter-agency...
The primary purpose of this handbook is to expand on project workers’ understanding of how to help trafficked children in schemes supported by members of the Terre des hommes International Federation (TdhIF) and their local partners. Ideally, the material will...
United Nations human rights operations have an essential role to fill in monitoring and protecting the human rights of returnees and internally displaced persons. People displaced within their own country can be particularly vulnerable to violations of their...
El manual Migración y Poblaciones Lesbianas, Gais, Bisexuales, Trans e Intersexuales (LGBTI), busca promover una reflexión, desde las instituciones del Estado, organizaciones y/o colectivos sociales y activistas LGBTI, sobre los procesos migratorios de la...