Compendium of good practices in enabling access to legal identity for undocumented migrants

The Compendium of Good Practices in Enabling Access to Legal Identity for Undocumented Migrants is a tool developed by IOM to guide Member States in establishing legal identity to uphold the rights of migrants and of their children, without putting them at risk.
The Compendium is developed based on field assessments in six pilot countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, the Republic of Moldova, the Niger, Peru and Thailand) conducted through a structured process, involving interviews with government officials, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders directly involved in providing legal identity to undocumented migrants. Additionally, the Compendium contains literature reviews and analysis of existing policies and legal frameworks related to legal identity for migrants.
Besides case studies, the Compendium provides users with the synthesis of good practices identified as a result of the extensive research.
The Compendium highlights key legal, political, operational and logistical challenges, good practices employed at national and local levels, as well as inclusive and gender-sensitive recommendations. It also includes a section dedicated to the non-replication and non-legitimization of marginalizing actions or practices against certain population groups, which is often considered a challenge in promoting legal identity for all.