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Indicators of Risks and Vulnerabilities to Human Trafficking and Other Protection Concerns in the Bangladeshi Host Community

Indicators of Risks and Vulnerabilities to Human Trafficking and Other Protection Concerns in the Bangladeshi Host Community
Bangladesh, Myanmar
Asia and the Pacific
International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Since August 2017, an estimated 745,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar by crossing the border into Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. While it was not the first time the Rohingya people were forced to seek refuge in Bangladesh, the recent influx is the largest. In the 2019 Joint Response Plan, it was recognized that the Rohingya humanitarian crisis had socio-economic implications for the Bangladeshi host communities, increasing living costs, demand over water, firewood and other scarce resources while decreasing the livelihood of local skilled and unskilled laborers. From the 1.2 million people considered in need of humanitarian assistance in the Response Plan, nearly one third (27%) were crisis affected populations in host communities. That is the equivalent of 335,900 people in the Bangladeshi host communities.