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Capacity Building on Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration: Factsheet on Ethiopia

Capacity Building on Migrant Protection, Return and Reintegration: Factsheet on Ethiopia
East Africa and the Horn of Africa
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Publication Series

Launched in December 2016 with funding from the European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative (JI) for Migrant Protection and Reintegration was the first comprehensive programme to save, protect and assist migrants along key migration routes in Africa. In the Horn of Africa (JI HoA), the programme was launched in March 2017, targeting primarily Djibouti, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan.

Migrants are supported to return to and reintegrate into their countries of origin in line with IOM’s Integrated Approach to Reintegration. This approach is multidimensional, as it seeks to address returnees’ economic, social and psychosocial needs, and it also prescribes a coordinated intervention at three different societal levels: individual, community and structural. Reintegration assistance at the structural level works towards creating the overall political, institutional, economic and social conditions for sustainable reintegration programming. Key areas of capacity-building activities in the JI HoA programme include Policy Support, Support to Coordination Services, Process Strengthening, and Digitalization and Migration Data.

Find country-specific JI HoA results from Ethiopia in the factsheet below. 

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