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KMH Good and Innovative Practice Series

In the framework of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration, IOM in Côte d’Ivoire has responded to the challenges encountered by different groups of returnees by organizing tailor made workshops. Thanks to an experience-sharing...
The “Creating Livelihoods through Environmental Rehabilitation in Ethiopia” project, implemented in the framework of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration, improved the socioeconomic conditions of migrants who returned to two...
Under the RADA project, IOM is contributing to create employment for returnees in Afghanistan by supporting local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to increase their production capacities and their market reach. Applicant SMEs that have a potential for...
The Enterprise Development Fund (EDF) encourages rapid, large-scale private sector job creation and economic recovery through tailored support to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Implemented by IOM in Iraq since 2018, the EDF is a financing mechanism that...
As part of its community stabilization and community-based reintegration interventions in Somalia, IOM built a bridge in the town of Baidoa, in southern Somalia. This activity benefitted the entire population of the area including 30,000 IDPs, 37,500 returnees...
FORAS, meaning “opportunities” in Arabic, is a project that aims at strengthening the sustainable reintegration of migrants returning from Morocco to eight target countries of origin (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea...
Based upon business plans developed before return, migrants willing to return from the Netherlands to their countries of origin (CoOs) are supported by the WereldWijd Foundation to receive in their CoO the tools and equipment required for the planned business...
The implementation of the EU-IOM Joint Initiative for Migrant Protection and Reintegration in Cameroon was a unique opportunity to strengthen dialogue and collaboration between IOM and the Government of Cameroon on irregular migration and reintegration...
Through various interventions, IOM in Mali has, so far, developed returning migrants’ capacities and competencies and thus improved employment and self-employment opportunities for more than 1,000 Malian returnees. These interventions include job counselling...
In Burkina Faso, an integrated system has been set up to enable returning migrants wishing to engage in entrepreneurial projects to choose a relevant activity. This system is based on different activities including, in chronological order: job counselling...
In preparation for the national Independence Day, the Government of Burkina Faso invests massively in public works and civil engineering. Every year, in a different region, many construction projects are launched, including housing construction, road upgrading...
As of mid-July 2018, 452 individuals were included in cash for work (CFW) activities in the capital of Guinea, Conakry. Benefitting both returning migrants and prospective migrants including community members in vulnerable situations, this initiative has...