La situación migratoria México-Estados Unidos se ha transformado por completo. Más mexicanos retornan de Estados Unidos a México que aquellos que migran a ese país. Millones de mexicanos han salido de Estados Unidos debido a la recesión económica, el...
Article (issue/policy brief, journal, blog, etc.)
El artículo determina el alcance y la naturaleza de la evidencia empírica, es decir, artículos académicos referentes a los migrantes que regresan a países en Latinoamérica y el Caribe. Mediante la metodología de las Revisiones Sistemáticas Exploratorias, se...
Die deutsche Rückkehrpolitik steckt tief in der Krise. Scheiternde Abschiebungen, überhöhte Erwartungen an die freiwillige Rückkehr, komplexe Strukturen und eine vergiftete und emotionale Diskussionskultur – all diese Probleme muss Deutschland angehen, um...
Sind Abschiebungen rechtsstaatlich notwendige Instrumente oder Maßnahmen, die der Willkür Tür und Tor öffnen? Schickt Deutschland zu viele Menschen zurück oder zu wenige? Und wie funktioniert die Kooperation mit den Herkunftsländern? Die Debatte um Rückkehr...
In response to the presence of a significant number of non-EU nationals illegally residing within their borders, EU countries implement forced return policies which, besides being particularly burdensome from both a financial and organisational point of view...
A partir del año 2008, el contexto de crisis económica experimentado por países como España ha marcado un punto de inflexión en relación con los flujos migratorios. Así, ante la intensa situación de desempleo y precariedad laboral que afecta a la sociedad...
This article discusses the critical importance of re/integration services in the lives of trafficked persons and as central to an effective anti-trafficking response. It outlines how support and resources for re/integration services have so far not been widely...
Assisting survivors of trafficking is considered one of the pillars of a human rights-based response Shelter, medical, psychological and legal assistance in the short term and job placement, accommodation and reunification with family and community in the long...
Despite the significant international attention to human trafficking in the fishing industry in Southeast Asia, victims continue to experience poor outcomes after their return to Thailand. The Labour Rights Promotion Network (LPN) has assisted many returned...
Large numbers of Indonesian men migrate each year for work in construction, in factories and in agriculture, on plantations and on fishing boats. Many of them end up exploited in ways that constitute human trafficking, suffering violence, deprivation...
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the Indian government’s efforts to combat pervasive child trafficking for labour exploitation through rescue and reintegration of affected children. It evaluates the extensive policy and legal frameworks against...
How to respond to urban displacement and improve the care and maintenance to vulnerable displaced and returnee populations in Afghanistan’s main cities? After reviewing the background and context of urban displacement in Afghanistan, this paper aimed at...
Using life event history data collected by the MAFE project survey of migrants in Europe and return migrants in their countries of origin, this article aims to analyse, first, the initial return intentions of Senegalese and Congolese migrants to Europe, and...
Depuis le début des années 2000, la littérature relative à la migration de retour en général s’est considérablement développée [Carling et al., 2011], mais les études sur les retours de migrants d’Afrique en particulier restent relativement peu nombreuses. La...
Dans la conclusion, l’auteure propose une lecture personnelle des diférentes contributions de ce numéro à travers un double exercice de mise en perspective théorique, en s’appuyant sur ses propres recherches sur les retours en contexte africain. Dans un...
Based on 68 qualitative interviews carried out in Senegal and DR Congo with beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of programs assisting migrants after their return to their origin country, this article investigates how these programs affect the reintegration of...
Despite the increasing attention in academic literature, it continues to be extremely challenging to capture the complexity of reintegration processes and post-return situations. This article argues that the concept of well-being, which captures contextual...
More than six million people have been deported from the United States since 1996. The Dominican Republic is one of the top ten countries to which deportees are sent. Most scholarship on deportation focuses on the challenges deportees face post-deportation...
Although there is a substantial and growing volume of research on the return and reintegration processes of migrants, insufficient attention has been paid to the contextual meaning of reintegration, in particular for those returning to rural areas. Accordingly...
In Africa, international migration to the Global North is often interpreted as a means to achieve upward social mobility. This article highlights the importance of considering the socio-economic and political transformations that form migration aspirations...