As of mid-July 2018, 452 individuals were included in cash for work (CFW) activities in the capital of Guinea, Conakry. Benefitting both returning migrants and prospective migrants including community members in vulnerable situations, this initiative has...
West and Central Africa
This article addresses under which circumstances migrants returning from European to (post-) conflict countries are willing and able to contribute to development and peace-building in their countries of origin. Based on comparative research in six countries...
The armed conflict that broke out, in 2012 in Mali, had led to a complicated humanitarian situation with the massive influx of tens of thousands of Malian refugees and their livestock to settle in southeastern Mauritania. In this area, the majority of the...
This study examines internal mobility in The Gambia and provides socio-economic profiles of migrants who move from rural to urban settings. Migrants' places of origin and destination, drivers of migration and travel intentions were analysed to further develop...
In the context of assisting in the transition and recovery of conflict affected societies and communities, IOM has supported disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR) programmes for ex-combatants/fighters and their communities of return, through...
The purpose of this study, “Assessing the Risks of Migration along the Central and Eastern Mediterranean Routes: Iraq and Nigeria as Case Study Countries” is to give breadth to the concept of “safe migration” by analysing patterns of migration and return from...
Among the different stages of the migration process, return is the one which is least well understood. The motives guiding return cannot be easily categorized and are highly context dependent (Bastia, 2011). Scholars and policymakers have focused on...
Cette boite à outils a été développée par la Fondation Etimos, en collaboration avec l’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et la Associazione Formazione Professionale del Patronato San Vincenzo (c’est à dire l’Association de Formation...
This report, prepared and conducted by Samuel Hall under the Mediterranean Sustainable Reintegration (MEASURE) Project, funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID), outlines recommendations to support sustainable reintegration of migrants...
Le projet régional d’étude sur «les mobilités des enfants et des jeunes en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre» est une initiative inter-agences inédite dans la sous-région. Porté par 8 agences régionales, le projet a été mis en oeuvre durant sa première phase...
A study on "best practices in the field of the return of minors" was carried out by ECRE, in strategic partnership with Save the Children, on behalf of the European Commission. The study looked at legislation and practice regarding the return of children...
This paper studies migrants’ intentions to return to their origin country by making the distinction between permanent return, temporary return and participation in temporary return programmes. Using survey data from first generation migrants in the Netherlands...
Informed by new qualitative research, this report offers a set of recommendations to improve the process of returning irregular migrants from the EU to Nigeria, and the reintegration support available to them, to ensure that policy in this area is effective...
The present monitoring report provides an overview of the feedback forms collected from Nigerian program participants who were visited between March 2011 and December 2014. It includes a brief presentation of the respondents’ profile, a descriptive analysis of...
Launched in December 2016 with the support of the EUTF for Africa, the EU-IOM Joint Initiative is the first comprehensive programme bringing together African countries, IOM and the EU around the shared aim of ensuring that migration is safer, more informed and better governed for both migrants and their communities.
Le projet FORAS a pour objectif d’apporter aux migrants désireux de re-tourner volontairement dans leur pays d’origine et qui sont originaires des huit pays cibles (Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Mali, la République démocratique du Congo (RDC)...
L’objectif principal de la recherche est d’analyser les principales opportunités de réintégration économique dans cinq pays d’origine (Cameroun, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée, Mali et Sénégal) en (i) Analysant les besoins, les manques et les opportunités liés aux...
L’Organisation Internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) et ses partenaires vous assistent dès votre arrivée au Sénégal dans le cadre du programme d’Aide au Retour Volontaire et à la Réintégration (AVRR).Celui-ci vise à assurer la sécurité, à garantir la...
Depuis 2011, le Mali a connu un afflux massif des migrants maliens de retour via la Libye. Le retour de ces milliers de migrants généralement, jeunes, a été organisé par le gouvernement du Mali grâce au concours de l’Organisation Internationale pour les...
La Guinée se trouve sur la côte atlantique de l’Afrique de l’Ouest et s’étale sur une superficie 245 857 km2. L’économie guinéenne, quant à elle, est largement tributaire de l’agriculture qui emploie plus de 75% de la population active et représente près de 24...