This monitoring report presents feedback received from 21 migrants who returned to Honduras from Guatemala and from El Salvador to Nicaragua through IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs, funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Population...
El Salvador
This fourth monitoring report summarizes 116 surveys that IOM conducted since March 2020 to capture the experiences of participants in the IOM Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR) programs in El Salvador, Guatemala/Belize, and Honduras. The primary purpose of these...
In line with the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants (2016) and the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework - preceded by the Brazil Plan of Action (2014) and the San José Action Statement (2016) - countries in Central America and Mexico have...
The program tackles fundamental reintegration needs of returning families and unaccompanied children to break the cycle of migration. Activities include psychosocial support, school reintegration for children and humanitarian aid for all returning migrants...
En el marco del Programa Mesoamerica, la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), propuso la elaboración de un mapeo regional de programas o fondos de asistencia para apoyar el retorno voluntario de personas migrantes en situación de...
In fiscal year 2017, the Department of Homeland Security returned nearly 75,000 migrants to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. We examined U.S. efforts to help migrants reintegrate into their home countries—such as by helping them reestablish psychological...
The report offers a range of recommendations to governments and others, including: Prepare migrants for reintegration prior to their return, even before deportation; issue primary ID documents from abroad or upon reception; and ensure reintegration services...
El presente estudio es un esfuerzo por contribuir a la mejora del conocimiento a nivel nacional sobre el perfil de salud de las poblaciones migrantes. La investigación de carácter exploratorio aporta elementos de interés sobre morbilidad y migración, ITS/VIH...
In the past five years, hundreds of thousands of Central American migrants deported from Mexico and the United States—including tens of thousands of children—have arrived back in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. For many...
Hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, deported from Mexico and the United States, have arrived back in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras in the past five years. Often facing conditions that are worse now than when...
This discussion paper provides an overview of the magnitude of the situation, including main protection risks; analyses challenges in ensuring effective protection mechanisms and comprehensive solutions responses; and offers recommendations for developing a...
Este estudio interagencial OIM, UNICEF, UNHCR y OIT-IPEC tiene como objetivo hacer un análisis sobre la situación de la niñez y adolescencia migrante, con énfasis en la que migra no acompañada y aquella en situación de trabajo infantil.