This call for applications primarily targets in English speaking reintegration practitioners based in the Sahel and Lake Chad, Northern Africa and the Horn of African regions, as well as target countries in Asia.
Seguimiento, evaluación y aprendizaje
Displaying 81 - 100 of 434
The workshop sessions were based on the reintegration training curriculum developed by IOM with financial support from the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). The workshop was funded by the European Union through the KMH.
The package can be used for the development of results monitoring frameworks, M&E plans and to conduct monitoring and evaluation activities for return and reintegration programmes.
‘Reintegration of Returnees in Pakistan’ is an initiative under the TVET Sector Support Programme that offers reintegration assistance to Pakistani returnees and Pakistani nationals, particularly young adults, who return to their home country voluntarily. This initiative supports returnees and the local Pakistanis (non-returnees) by offering them quick and...
Samuel Hall was commissioned by War Child to conduct a study that provides a comprehensive understanding of the existing Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) regarding the unsafe migration of unaccompanied children to Iran. Primary data collection was conducted in Herat and Badghis provinces. The study also targeted parents and communities of children at...
Building on secondary research and an ethnographic-based primary data collection, this research turns to IDPs in key provinces and districts of return to ask: which factors positively contribute to the ability of IDP populations to return to their places of origin in a manner which is sustainable and dignified? Samuel Hall answers this question by taking a...
This research was designed to support the thinking and planning around (re-)integration by identifying obstacles to preparedness of stakeholders for return and (re-)integration in refugee return settings. The study generates operational learning to enable NGOs, UN agencies, donors, government actors, and displacement-affected communities (DACs) to strengthen...
The new training curricula provide return and reintegration practitioners and stakeholders with ready-to-use materials to organize and deliver training sessions for actors in the field of migrant return and reintegration.
The initiative aims at supporting the return and reintegration of Georgians from France (including family members), who are eligible for the OFII’s assisted voluntary return programme and whose state of health requires a medical care available in Georgia, during the journey and/or after their return to Georgia. This scheme is implemented by the International...
European policymakers have renewed their commitment to increase returns of migrants determined not to have a right to stay in the European Union, and to cooperate with returnees’ countries of origin to support their reintegration. And as investments in assisted voluntary return and reintegration (AVRR) initiatives have grown, so too has pressure to...
A webinar session on the “New research on sustainable reintegration outcomes: Forced returns, voluntary returns and gender” -organized by the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH)- presented the newly launched study on Comparative Reintegration Outcomes between Forced and Voluntary Return and Through a Gender Perspective. Coordinated by the KMH with the...
During the event, the study's background, methodology and findings from the field work conducted in Afghanistan, Bangladesh, El Salvador, the Gambia, Nigeria and Somalia were presented and shared through interventions from the EU, IOM and Maastricht University.
El Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM ha desarrollado un paquete de seguimiento y evaluación (SyE) para los programas de retorno y reintegración. Este paquete puede utilizarse para el desarrollo de marcos de seguimiento de resultados, planes de SyE, así como para la realización de...
This article seeks to understand the role of the migration lifecycle in the subjective evaluation of return by Ethiopian deportees from Saudi Arabia, focusing on the conditions that lead to positive evaluation of the return. Logistic regression analysis was carried out on a unique data set of 2,039 Ethiopian deportees from Saudi Arabia collected in 2014...
El Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM ha desarrollado un paquete de seguimiento y evaluación (SyE) para los programas de retorno y reintegración.
The study presents key findings of two combined research projects aimed at highlighting the differences in reintegration outcomes among returnees.
This fourth Knowledge Bite builds on findings from the second Knowledge Bite, which found that returnees who received direct assistance had higher satisfaction levels and higher reintegration sustainability scores than those who received assistance through referrals. This study sought to complement these findings on referrals by collecting qualitative...
This study sought to complement these findings on referrals by collecting qualitative information to provide insights into the reasons behind the negative effect of referrals on reintegration sustainability outcomes and satisfaction.
The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) training for Return and Reintegration Programmes, developed in the framework of the Knowledge Management Hub funded by the European Union, aims at strengthening the competencies of M&E staff and Project Officers involved in Monitoring and Evaluation activities of...
Este plan de capacitación ha sido desarrollado para complementar el Manual sobre Reintegración y se basa en el Enfoque Integrado de la Reintegración de la OIM y el Manual sobre Reintegración. El currículo formativo está compuesto por 6 módulos formativos presenciales (adaptables a sesiones en línea)...