The evaluation, which was undertaken by an independent expert, assessed the performance and achievements of the KMH, with a special focus on providing findings on lessons learned and good practices.
Seguimiento, evaluación y aprendizaje
Displaying 61 - 80 of 434
The EU-IOM KMH is the only support and resource hub on return and reintegration that is available to support practitioners and policymakers worldwide. The KMH is part of the larger Pilot Action on Voluntary Return and Sustainable, Community-Based Reintegration. By design, it is intended to transcend the Pilot Action and play a more global role in support to...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) hosted the public event "Building evidence and harmonizing approaches on reintegration: lessons from KMH", bringing together experts, practitioners and policymakers.
El Centro de Gestión del Conocimiento de la UE-OIM ha puesto a disposición el paquete de herramientas dedicado al seguimiento y la evaluación (SyE) de los programas de retorno y reintegración en tres idiomas, en inglés y francés, y ahora también en español.
The West and Central Africa Regional office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub organized a workshop on the integrated approach to reintegration in the West and Central Africa region on November 14-15.
Invitation to the public event "Building evidence and harmonizing approaches on reintegration: lessons from KMH", which will examine the lessons from the KMH’s work and reflect on its contribution to policy and programming on migrant protection, return and reintegration globally.
This consultation seeks to provide recommendations that can be utilized by practitioners to advance the work on inclusion of children affected by migration in national child protection systems.
The report is based on the Swedish Red Cross' follow up missions in Albania, Iraq and Kosovo in 2019 and 2020, where 28 individuals returned from Sweden and other EU countries, and were interviewed. Mainly families were among the returnees. The report specifically focuses on women and children's experiences. The study looks at reasons for migration...
The production of the sixth Knowledge Bite will be based on the analysis of the Returnee Longitudinal Survey (RLS) data, collected under the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (REMAP).
The KMH organizes a third English roll-out of the training on Monitoring and Evaluating Return and Reintegration Programmes based on IOM's monitoring and evaluation guidance for Return and Reintegration Programmes.
This report gives a broad overview of IOM return and reintegration trends, developments and related activities in 2021 with a breakdown of summary statistics on regional and country levels. It also illustrates good practices adopted by IOM offices to provide return and reintegration assistance to migrants wishing to return home.
To better understand the demographic profiles, living conditions and reintegration processes of Afghan, Bangladeshi, Iraqi and Pakistani returnees, IOM, under the EU-funded project “Displacement Tracking Matrix Regional Evidence for Migration Analysis and Policy (DTM REMAP)”, developed the Returnee Longitudinal Survey (RLS). This RLS Comparison Report...
Samuel Hall was commissioned by the European Return and Reintegration Network (ERINN) to produce an Operational Framework (OF) for the the ERINN Technical Working Group on Reintegration & Development (TWG R&D), funded through the EU’s Asylum, Migration & Integration Fund (AMIF-Special Actions), in collaboration with the International Centre for Migration...
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) launched today the Self-Paced Training Course on Monitoring and Evaluating Return and Reintegration Programmes (available in English and French).
The EU-IOM Knowledge Management Hub (KMH) held the 4th virtual cross-regional seminar on Lessons Learned from the EU-IOM Actions, to examine the experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions across regions.
This summary provides and overview of the Reintegration Handbook with practical guidance for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating reintegration assistance programmes. The Handbook has been conceived as a hands-on tool, targeting the various stakeholders involved in the provision of reintegration-related support at different levels and at...
The event organized by the KMH, funded by the European Union (EU), aims to examine the experiences and lessons learned from the implementation of the EU-IOM Actions across regions.
The Knowledge Café on "How an Integrated Approach to Migration, Sustainable Reintegration and Development Can Accelerate the 2030 Agenda" focused on how practitioners can integrate migration into their work from an integrated policy perspective.
Con su lanzamiento en inglés en 2019 y su expansión al francés en 2020, la Plataforma de Retorno y Reintegración continúa consolidándose como una herramienta global de información e intercambio de conocimientos.
Cette étude entre dans le cadre de l’exécution de la Convention entre l’Institut Universitaire Européen (Florence Italie) et le Cendre de Recherche Appliquée pour le Développement (CREAD) portant sur le projet “Action collective de soutien à la migration de retour dans le pays d’origine”, signée février 2006. Ce rapport porte sur le recueil et le traitement...