This evaluation presents key findings from an assessment of IOM’s return and reintegration activities (2008-2013) in Kabul, Nangarhar, Nimroz and Herat provinces.
Seguimiento, evaluación y aprendizaje
Displaying 421 - 434 of 434
This inter-agency, desk-based research aims to arrive at a clearer understanding of reintegration practices for separated children in low and lower-middle income countries.
In response to the growing need to facilitate and assist the voluntary return and reintegration of vulnerable migrants in North Africa, IOM Egypt has produced the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Handbook for the North African Region. This handbook will serve as a tool to build the capacities of governments, NGOs, international organizations and...
This report follows outlining the key findings for all participating returnees between January and June 2012 who were interviewed between October 2012 and October 2013. It also contains recommendations for the future of the programme.
This paper reviews the rationale and criteria for UNHCR’s involvement in the return of persons found not to be in need of international protection to their country of origin. Based on Executive Committee Conclusion No. 96, it sets out parameters for engagement of the Office and indicates a range of activities UNHCR could pursue, depending on the specific...
This national study has been produced within the framework of the European Migration Network. It provides information about the terminology concerning Assisted Return in Austria and offers a broad overview of the legal framework, Assisted Return measures and available data mainly focusing on the year 2009.
This report is the result of an external evaluation of IOM’s Regional Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme for Stranded Migrants in Egypt and Libya (RAVEL) program conducted by five students from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva in collaboration with IOM. RAVEL is a regional AVRR program...
IOM has had some 13 years of experience in implementing counter-trafficking activities. This Handbook summarizes and systematizes this experience. IOM recognizes that each victim is unique and requires and desires different assistance. As well, the nature of trafficking is different around the world and is ever evolving, requiring changing responses...
This report compares the experiences of a selection of existing assisted return programmes for rejected asylum-seekers and irregular migrants, and draws lessons from them for future programmes. Specifically, the report focuses on three aspects: programme implementation, the targeting of assistance, and evaluation. In each case it analyses the experiences of...
La OIM desarrolló el aprendizaje en línea con el “Curso Especializado sobre Niñez Migrante en Las Américas”, en asociación con el Instituto Interamericano del Niño, la Niña y Adolescentes, de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA).
This Handbook aims to provide practical guidance on the design, implementation and monitoring of reintegration assistance for returnees. While reintegration is a process taking place in different return contexts (for example following spontaneous, forced or assisted voluntary returns, or internal displacement), the Handbook focuses on assistance provided to...