Pacaraima Committee

A Joint Call for Practices by the Migrant Protection Platform and the Network's Hub
For this year’s World Day Against Trafficking in Persons (WADiP), under the theme “Leave No Child Behind in the Fight Against Human Trafficking”, the Platform and the Migration Network Hub launched a Joint Call for Practices of programmes and policies relevant to Objective 10 of the Global Compact for Migration (Prevent, combat and eradicate trafficking in persons in the context of international migration).
Key Highlights from the Practice
By providing legal assistance and information, the initiative improved the protection and fulfillment of migrants' rights. Wellbeing of migrants was also enhanced through coordinated efforts to prevent and address abuse and human trafficking, particularly for vulnerable groups like unaccompanied and separated children. For instance, the successful rescue of 30 Venezuelans in December 2023 highlighted the effectiveness of the intervention in freeing individuals from modern slavery.
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